Educational Administration Credential

Social Sciences and Education (sse)

Department of Advanced Educational Studies

Department Chair: Dr. Michael Szolowicz and Dr. R. Aaron Wisman

Office: Education Building, 213

Phone: (661) 654-3055


Educational Administration - Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program Description

The Educational Administration (EDAD) credentialing program prepares aspiring professional leaders in P-12 school settings. The program aligns with the California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) emphasizing the essential skills of analyzing data for school improvement and to promote equity, facilitating communities of practice, and supporting teacher growth. Program content is aligned with the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs) by exploring visionary, ethical, and instructional leadership along with promoting family and community engagement, managing the learning environment, and improving the external policy and context. Candidates participate in extensive field experience where they identify and address an equity-based problem in their school along with engaging other school leaders.

The Educational Administration Program is accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The program prepares candidates for the California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) and is offered at both the Antelope Valley and Bakersfield campuses. Candidates must apply for the PASC upon completion of the program. The PASC is valid for five (5) years during which time the candidate must complete the Clear Induction Program to earn the Clear Administrative Services Credential.