Special Education Credential

Preliminary Education Specialist (Special Education) Credential Programs

The Special Education Programs are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and offers exemplary credential programs in Mild to Moderate and Extensive Support Needs including an Intern Credential Program. The Program also offers an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Added Authorization. These credential options are offered at the Bakersfield campus and also at the Antelope Valley campus.

The Special Education Program provides an Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) in collaboration with the Liberal Studies program and the Department of Child, Adolescent, and Families Studies. Students in an ITEP program are expected to complete their Baccalaureate degree as well as a Mild/Moderate (MMSN) or Extensive Support Needs (ESN) education specialist teaching credential.

The Special Education Program also offers Intern Education Specialist Preliminary Credential Programs in either Mild/Moderate Support Needs or in Extensive Support Needs. Intern candidates are required to complete the Preliminary Intern program. All requirements for Intern Credential Preliminary Credential Programs are similar to the Traditional Preliminary Credential programs, except for the clinical practice components.

Candidates are required to complete the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential program first and then complete a Clear Induction program in Special Education. The Preliminary Credential is valid for five (5) years. During this time, the candidate must complete a Clear Induction program for a Professional Clear Credential. The Special Education Program does not offer a Clear Induction program.

Candidates may begin the program during any semester. Information sessions are offered at least once each semester. Candidates are required to attend the information session prior to submitting application materials. Each candidate is assigned a faculty advisor when admitted to the program, and candidates are required to consult with their advisor in developing a program plan prior to enrolling in courses.

Time Limits for Coursework

All credential coursework must be completed within a 7-year period of time. This time limit requirement means that no more than seven years may elapse between the start of the term for the earliest dated course approved for the Plan of Study and the date the application for recommendation of a credential is approved. Candidates who break enrollment are subject to any program changes from CSUB or the CCTC regarding credential eligibility.