Environmental Resource Management (ERM)
This course educates students on concepts different viewpoints challenges and potential solutions related to environmental sustainability with a focus on California.
Overview of the ERM major, its learning objectives, and the diverse career paths of ERM graduates. Students will develop an academic plan of study, utilize services provided by the University for career education, and begin following a career planning checklist. Graded on a credit-no credit basis.
Introduction to the safety profession including basic components of accident prevention and hazard control. Also covered will be introduction to occupational health and safety programs, safety and health legislation, ergonomics, hazard analytical tools, communication techniques in safety and health management, emergency preparedness, industrial hygiene concepts, and measuring safety program success. Designed to be followed by Advanced Occupational Safety and Health, ERM 3020.
Introduction to the safety profession including basic components of accident prevention and hazard control. Also covered will be introduction to occupational health and safety programs, safety and health legislation, ergonomics, hazard analytical tools, communication techniques in safety and health management, emergency preparedness, industrial hygiene concepts, and measuring safety program success. Designed to be preceded by Advanced Occupational Safety and Health, ERM 3010. Prerequisite: ERM 3010.
Provides an in-depth examination of federal, state and local regulations and requirements for hazardous materials and wastes. Includes definitions of toxic and hazardous material; storage and treatment; transportation; emergency response planning; air and water quality; community concern issues; and risk assessment. Prerequisites: BIOL 2210 and BIOL 2220; and CHEM 1000, CHEM 1001, CHEM 1100, CHEM 2200, and CHEM 2300; and MATH 1209.
Introduction to the safety profession including basic components of accident prevention and hazard control. Also covered will be introduction to occupational health and safety programs, safety and health legislation, ergonomics, hazard analytical tools, communication techniques in safety and health management, emergency preparedness, industrial hygiene concepts, and measuring safety program success. Prerequisite: BIOL 2210, BIOL 2220, CHEM 1000, CHEM 1001, CHEM 1100, CHEM 2200, CHEM 2300, and MATH 1209.
The course will introduce students to the major federal, state and local environmental statutes and regulatory programs that address resources management. The course will emphasize the organization of the government regulatory agencies, the techniques of environmental regulation, the interplay of federal, state and local environmental regulation, environmental enforcement, and environmental litigation. The federal and state Administrative Procedure Acts, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act, Clean Water Act, Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Recovery Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Clean Air Act, federal and state Endangered Species Acts, and local land use controls, including zoning law, will be the main statutes and regulatory schemes used to illustrate the workings of environmental law. In addition, common law doctrines and environmental torts will be covered. Co-requisite: INST 4200.
In-depth studies of selected topic or topics not covered in regular courses are offered on a student demand basis. Topics vary each quarter; prerequisites announced for each topic. Conducted on seminar basis.
Consent of department required.
Internships may be arranged by the department with various agencies, businesses, or industries. Assignments, coordination of work projects with readings and conferences, and grading are the responsibility of the faculty liaison (or course instructor) working with the field supervisor. Graded on a credit, no-credit basis. Department will determine credits and application of credit.
The Cooperative Education program offers a sponsored learning experience in a work setting, integrated with a field analysis seminar. The field experience is contracted by the Cooperative Education office on an individual basis, subject to approval by the department. The field experience, including the seminar and reading assignments, is supervised by the cooperative education coordinator and the faculty liaison (or course instructor), working with the field supervisor. Students are expected to enroll in the course for at least two quarters. The determination of course credits, evaluation and grading are the responsibility of the department faculty. Offered on a credit, no-credit basis only. Department will determine application of credit.
Evaluation and assessment of learning, which has occurred as a result of prior off-campus experience relevant to the curriculum of the department. Requires complementary academic study and/or documentation. Available by petition only, on a credit, no-credit basis. Not open to postgraduate students. Interested students should contact the department office.
This capstone course provides a holistic integration of the student's university experience and reinforces oral communication skills in preparation of completing studies at the university. Student proposes and conducts independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member and presents the findings. The course is also designed to enhance the student's awareness and understanding of themselves as integrated physiological, social, and psychological beings that must relate to others in a physical and social environment. One-third of the course focuses on disciplined inquiry leading to self-discovery and self-knowledge. "C-" or better required for the major. Prerequisite: At least 90 units and completion of JYDR, UDB and UDC. Satisfies general education requirements Student Enrichment and Lifelong Fulfillment and Senior Capstone.