Public Health (PH)
PH 2000 Introduction to Public Health (3)
This course introduces the core functions of public health and provides an overview of various public health topics, including communicable and non-communicable disease, determinants of health, strategies for eliminating health disparities, healthcare institutions and systems, and healthcare policy.
PH 2020 Health Communication (3)
This course provides an overview of the role of communication in public health, theories and practice strategies of health communication. Students will learn how to plan, implement, and evaluate health communication interventions, and develop meaningful health communication materials.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
PH 2700 Special Topics (1-3)
Examination of contemporary or interdisciplinary problems of current interest in public health. May be repeated for credit with different topics up to a maximum of 6 units, subject to Program Coordinator approval.
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 6 units
Typically Offered: To Be Determined
PH 3000 Public Health Practices (3)
Exploration and analysis of the core functions, basic concepts and terminology in public health. The course will provide an overview of various public health institutions, and an in-depth analysis of public health topics such as health behavior theory, epidemiology of infectious and chronic diseases, maternal and child health, social determinants of health, strategies for eliminating health disparities, health education and health promotion programs, environmental health, and healthcare policy and management. Prerequisites: PH 2010 and BIOL 2600.
Requisite(s): Prerequisite: PH 2010 and BIOL 2600.
PH 3110 Health Promotion and Theory (3)
In this course, we will analyze the key components of theories of health behavior, describe current applications of these theories to health promotion programs and interventions, and identify future directions for research and practice. Prerequisite: PH 2000.
Requisite(s): Prerequisite: PH 2000.
PH 3218 Health Equity (3) 
We will use research from a wide range of academic discipline to examine how gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status age, and religion contribute to disparities of health. We will examine how individual, community, and structural factors impact health outcomes. Prerequisites: Complete at least 45 units; prerequisite or corequisite GE A2. Satisfies general education requirement Junior Year Diversity and Reflection.
Requisite(s): Prerequisites: Complete at least 45 units; prerequisite or corequisite GE A2.
General Education Attribute(s): Junior Year Diversity Reflection
PH 3310 Community Needs Assessment and Program Planning (3)
This course focuses on needs assessment methods and activities, developing public health program goals and objectives, and utilizing theory-based strategies to develop successful programs. Students will also learn to assess the effectiveness of different public health interventions. This course contains a required Service Learning component. Prerequisite: PH 2000.
Requisite(s): Prerequisite: PH 2000.
Typically Offered: Spring
PH 3410 Health Policy (3)
This course focuses on needs assessment methods and activities, developing public health program goals and objectives, and utilizing theory-based strategies to develop successful programs. Students will also learn to assess the effectiveness of different public health interventions. Prerequisite: PH 2000.
Requisite(s): Prerequisite: PH 2000.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
PH 4110 Research Methods (3)
This course provides an applied understanding of research topics and methods used in public health research. Students will discuss advanced topics in research design and statistical analysis practice skills in the design of rigorous research proposals and in manuscript writing. Prerequisite: PH 2000.
Requisite(s): Prerequisite: PH 2000.
PH 4700 Special Topics (1-3)
Examination of contemporary or interdisciplinary problems of current interest in public health. May be repeated for credit with different topics up to a maximum of 6 units, subject to Program Coordinator approval.
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 6 units
Typically Offered: To Be Determined
PH 4800 Directed Research (1-3)
Examination of contemporary or interdisciplinary problems of current interest in public health. May be repeated for credit with different topics up to a maximum of 6 units, subject to Program Coordinator approval.
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 6 units
Typically Offered: To Be Determined
PH 4850 Individual Study (1-3)
Exploration of a specific topic, primarily through directed research, assignments, curriculum and/or materials development with a professor. Prerequisites: consent of instructor and approval of both the Program Coordinator and Dean of the School of Natural Science, Mathematics and Engineering. [By Petition] May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 units.
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 6 units
Typically Offered: To Be Determined
PH 4870 Cooperative Education (1-3)
Cooperative Education is a sponsored learning experience in a work setting, integrated with a field analysis seminar. The field experience is contracted by the Center for Career Education and Community Engagement (CECE) on an individual basis, subject to approval by the Program Coordinator. The field experience, including the seminar and reading assignments, is coordinated through Handshake in CECE and supervised by the faculty liaison (or course instructor), working with the field supervisor. The determination of course credits, evaluation, and grading are the responsibility of the program faculty. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 units. Offered on a credit, no-credit basis only. The program will determine application of credit. [By Petition]
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 6 units
Typically Offered: To Be Determined
PH 4890 Prior Experiential Learning (1-3)
Credit for learning gained through prior off-campus experience related to the curriculum of the program. Requires documentation and Program Coordinator approval. Offered on a credit, no-credit basis only. May be repeatable for credit for a maximum of 3 units. [By Petition]
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 3 units
Typically Offered: To Be Determined
PH 4918 Senior Seminar in Public Health (3) 
Course content will reflect current practices in the Public Health discipline with emphasis on practical applications to careers in Public Health. Student presentations and discussion of current topics in Public Health will be structured to fulfill the GE capstone requirement. One hour lecture and Two-hour discussion. Prerequisite: Open only to senior Public Health majors who have completed at least 15 units of upper-division coursework specific to the major. Satisfies general education requirement Senior Capstone.
Requisite(s): Prerequisite: Open only to senior Public Health majors who have completed at least 15 units of upper-division coursework specific to the major.
General Education Attribute(s): Capstone
Typically Offered: Spring