Music, BA, Music Education Emphasis

Program Description

The CSU Bakersfield Music Program contributes to the musical, intellectual, and cultural environment of the university and surrounding region through programs of study and courses for music majors, minors, general education students, and liberal studies students; music electives for non-majors; and concerts, recitals, workshops, and festivals that provide performance opportunities for students and feature distinguished guest artists. The program offers a robust undergraduate musical education set within a broader liberal arts curriculum. There are two degree pathways, both of which rest upon foundational studies in performance, music theory and analysis, musicianship, music history and literature, and music technology. The Bachelor of Arts in Music features significant elective content in and beyond music, preparing students for graduate studies in performance, composition, music theory, and musicology, or for a life of musical fulfillment in conjunction with any number of careers. The Bachelor of Music, Music Education Pre-Certification offers substantial preparation in vocal, instrumental, and general music education that readies students for the Single Subject Credential Program in Music and the teaching profession.

Program Mission

The mission of the CSU Bakersfield Music Program is to develop knowledgeable, skilled musicians and audiences through high-quality musical experiences, deep exploration of musical topics, and musical service to the community.

Program Goals

Artistry in Performance (B.A. and B.M.): Develop student ability to work individually and collaboratively toward artistic public performance.

Informed Musicianship (B.A. and B.M.): Develop student ability to comprehend music contextually and theoretically.

Career-Oriented Knowledge (B.A. and B.M.): Prepare students to succeed in the varied field of music and in a professional environment broadly.

Effective Teaching (B.M. only): Prepare students to be effective music teachers and ensemble leaders.

Career Opportunities

The Music curriculum prepares students for a wide range of careers in music. Many of our alumni go on to work as independent professional musicians or as members of a symphony, opera company, chamber group, or other ensemble. Some find work in churches or in the recording and publishing industries. Other pursue rewarding careers in education, serving as music teachers in elementary or secondary schools, or becoming professors at colleges and universities. Still another group moves into fields other than music, such as law, the ministry, and business, using their musical training to inform and support their new endeavors and often continuing their performance activities in music.

Yearly Events

The Music Program produces a wide variety of events every term, including band, orchestra, and choir concerts, jazz concerts, chamber music, opera performances, and student recitals. Guest artists are frequently invited to perform and offer master classes.

Many offerings in the Music Program are open to all CSUB students regardless of their declared major. In addition to courses that will satisfy General Education or Liberal Studies requirements, the program offers the following curricula:

Discipline-Based Requirements

Admission: Successful audition for study on a primary instrument (including voice) at the beginning of the degree. The primary instrument is used in studio instruction, ensemble performance (with the exception of pianists and guitarists), and, if applicable, the culminating activity.

Continuance – Native Students: By the end of the second year, 2.5 GPA in the major, completion of MUS 2600, and satisfactory completion of two semesters of MUS 2300.

Continuance – Transfer Students: By the end of the first year, completion of MUS 1130, 2410, 2411, 2600, and satisfactory completion of two semesters of Studio Instruction.

Probation: Students who fail any course listed in the continuance requirements must successfully complete it at its next offering. Failure to do so will result in reassignment to the B. A. in Music.

Note: No course grade below a “C” in the major will be applicable or acceptable for fulfilling degree requirements.

Teaching Credential-Single Subject

Students wishing to complete the requirements for the California Single Subject Credential in Music should consult with an appropriate Music faculty advisor.