Curriculum & Instruction (EDCI)

EDCI 5080  Behavior is Language  (3)  
EDCI 5091  Violence in Schools  (2)  
EDCI 5092  Attn Deficit/Hyperact Disorder  (2)  
EDCI 5960  Special Topics  (1-5)  

Special investigation into specific problems in language arts education in elementary and secondary schools. Prerequisite: teaching credential or permission of the instructor.

Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 20 units  
EDCI 6100  Research Methods for Educational Leaders  (3)  

The course is intended to give educators and teachers as leaders (pre-service, in-service, beginning teachers, mentoring teachers) an opportunity to explore their collaborative roles as researchers in various school settings. It also provides them with a base for decision-making processes regarding effective instructional strategies and treatments. Using a self-reflective systematic and scholarly inquiry, the course offers participants an opportunity to formulate meaningful research questions, identify appropriate methods to use in answering a variety of research questions, and design and implement an action plan for change as they reflect on current practice. This class will help participants to play their optimal roles as researchers and instructional leaders in their diverse schools. Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.

Requisite(s): Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.  
EDCI 6200  Teaching for Diversity & Social Justice  (3)  

This course is intended to provide candidates an advanced exploration of the various critical issues pertaining to social justice and diversity in the American education system. It will provide a foundation for building the understanding and skills candidates will need to develop culturally relevant curriculum and pedagogy for all students. The course will build educational leadership skills and engage candidates in challenging social inequities in schools and their broader communities. Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.

Requisite(s): Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 12 units  
EDCI 6300  Educational Leadership  (3)  

This online course focuses on the educational leadership paradigms to define teacher roles as professionals and leaders in schools. It also helps participants develop knowledge and skills in educational leadership as they supervise, coach, mentor, network, and collaborate with other participants in the school community. Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education Program.

Requisite(s): Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.  
EDCI 6400  Curriculum Development & Transformation  (3)  

This course focuses on the development of curriculum at the K-12 level. Students will explore research and theory of curriculum revision and the principles of curriculum development and design. The development of needs assessments and analysis of results to inform curriculum transformation is covered in depth. Emphasis is on the interdependence of assessment, data and curriculum planning on student achievement. Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education Program.

Requisite(s): Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.  
EDCI 6500  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 10 units  
EDCI 6510  Content Standards & Pedagogy  (1-5)  
EDCI 6520  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 99 units  
EDCI 6530  Equity & Diversity  (1-5)  
EDCI 6540  Special Topics  (1-5)  
EDCI 6550  Engl Develop Standards Yr 1&2  (1-5)  
EDCI 6560  Special Topics  (1-5)  
EDCI 6610  Lesson Design & Technology Integration  (3)  

This course is intended to provide educators with hands-on lesson design, pedagogy, and research for creating innovative learning environments. Emphasis is on creating and facilitating experiences that empower diverse learners within student-centered lessons. Topics may include differentiation and accommodation, project-based learning, place-based learning, design thinking, and other aspects of enhanced critical thinking activities. By the end of this course, students will be expected to design and facilitate lessons that integrate technology and promote instructional equity for all students. Prerequisite: Admission to the Leadership in Ed Tech certificate program or the C&I MA program.

Requisite(s): Admission to the Leadership in Ed Tech certificate program or the C&I MA program  
EDCI 6615  Creating Collaborative, Blended, and Online Learning Environments  (3)  

This course is intended to provide educators the space for exploration and development of innovative blended and online learning environments that empower diverse learners with dynamic learning environments. Topics include child participation in popular online environments, creative blended and online learning spaces, collaboration outside of the classroom, and inclusive learning management systems. Admission to the Leadership in Ed Tech certificate program or the C&I MA program.

Requisite(s): Admission to the Leadership in Ed Tech certificate program or the C&I MA program  
Typically Offered: Spring  
EDCI 6620  Educational Technology for the K12 Leader  (3)  

In this course, educators will align K12 student leadership in technology with adult professional learning in an event that culminates into community engagement. Emphasis is on designing and creating spaces where children are involved in an authentic sequence of events that break down traditional adult-centered leadership roles and empower students. Topics include student leadership, student instructional leadership with technology, planning professional development with technology, using technology to facilitate community engagement and action. Admission to the Leadership in Ed Tech certificate program or the C&I MA program.

Requisite(s): Admission to the Leadership in Ed Tech certificate program or the C&I MA program  
Typically Offered: Summer  
EDCI 6700  Special Topics  (1-5)  

Course participants have the opportunity to reflect on and examine their roles in schools as they observe, experience, evaluate and integrate instructional skills across the curriculum. The course also provides the opportunity to gain insight into the dynamics of learning and teaching in classroom settings. This course will provide participants an opportunity to use their fieldwork to examine and explore their experiences with cohorts and others in a professional forum. Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.

Requisite(s): Prerequisite: Admission to the Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education program.  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 20 units  
EDCI 6710  Advanced Topics in Education  (3)  

Exploration of selected topics in education at an advanced level. May be repeated for different course content.

Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 20 units  
EDCI 6720  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 5 units  
EDCI 6730  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 5 units  
EDCI 6740  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 5 units  
EDCI 6750  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 5 units  
EDCI 6760  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 5 units  
EDCI 6770  Special Topics  (1-5)  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 5 units  
EDCI 6800  MA Theses in Curric & Instruc  (3)  
Requisite(s): Completion of EDCI 6100, 6200, 6300, 6400 and advancement to candidacy.  
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring  
EDCI 6810  MA Project in Curric & Instruc  (3)  
Requisite(s): Completion of EDCI 6100, 6200, 6300, 6400 and advancement to candidacy.  
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring  
EDCI 6820  Master's Exam in Curriculum and Instruction  (3)  

All core classes must be completed prior to taking this exam (EDCI 6100, EDCI 6200, EDCI 6300, EDCI 6400). Two attempts are allowed for this exam.

Requisite(s): Completion of EDCI 6100, 6200, 6300, 6400 and advancement to candidacy.  
Repeatable for Credit: Yes, up to 9 units  
EDCI 6900  Every Teacher Class Mgmt  (3)