Spanish, BA

Arts & Humanities (ah)

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Chair: William Flores

Office: Humanities Office Building (HOB), 246

Phone: (661) 654-2359

Program Maps for Arts and Humanities

Program Description

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at CSUB prepares students to interact and succeed in an increasingly global world. Cultural understanding and second language skills offer distinct advantages to graduates, particularly at a time when cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity in society is rapidly increasing.

Program Goals and Objectives

Goals of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures are to foster a broader linguistic, literary and cultural understanding of global societies, equip students with skills that are necessary in career fields, and prepare teachers of modern languages with the necessary knowledge and skills for teaching languages and cultures to others.  These goals are accomplished by fostering interest in, and understanding of, cultures and peoples, and by developing student proficiency in the fundamental language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the languages offered.

Requirements for the Teaching Credential - Spanish Single Subject Teacher Preparation Program

Students wishing to complete the requirements for the California Single Subject Credential in Spanish should consult with an appropriate Spanish faculty advisor.