Spanish, MA

Arts & Humanities (ah)

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Department Chair: William Flores

Office: Humanities Office Building (HOB), 246

Phone: (661) 654-2359

Program Maps for Arts and Humanities

Program Description

The Master of Arts in Spanish program enables students to further advance their communication skills in the fundamental areas of listening, reading, speaking and writing in Spanish. The Spanish M.A. is designed for a range of individuals and seeks to provide:

  1. balance for those who wish to terminate their studies at the Master’s level and whose primary aim is to teach in a community college;
  2. advanced training for teachers who wish to improve their professional skills and status;
  3. a variety of courses for students who plan to continue toward the Ph.D. degree at another institution; and
  4. continuing education for those who wish to extend their knowledge as an end in itself through an interesting and stimulating series of courses in literature, criticism, language and culture.

Program Goals and Objectives

Goals for the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures M.A. program are to provide instruction in graduate theory and research, to provide enhanced study of the literatures and cultures of Spain, Latin America, and U.S. Latinos, to provide training in linguistics and second-language pedagogy, and to offer development in professional areas like translation and interpretation. These goals are accomplished through courses that challenge student development, critically explore cultures, and refine proficiency in Spanish language skills.