Kinesiology, MSK

 Department Description

The Department of Kinesiology offers a Master of Science degree in Kinesiology (MSK). The Master of Science in Kinesiology is a fully online program offered through Extended Education and Global Outreach (EEGO).  The MSK will provide students with a breadth of knowledge in kinesiology including an emphasis in: behavior change, exercise physiology, program design, movement science, and evidence-based practice in kinesiology. Students will gain experience evaluating individual needs, developing exercise and wellness plans, and educating individuals and their families. The program will require students to complete a culminating experience or thesis that will provide students with a practical experiential learning opportunity or a research experience.

Graduate Student Classification

Conditionally Classified Graduate Student

Applicants that do not meet all of the admission requirements for the Master of Science in Kinesiology may be provisionally admitted to the MS Kinesiology graduate program as a Conditionally Classified Graduate Student if, in the judgment of the Kinesiology Graduate Admissions Committee, the applicant has the potential to successfully complete all requirements within a reasonable timeframe (usually one calendar year). These requirements (or approved substitutions) will be determined by the Kinesiology Graduate Admissions Committee and specified in the admission letter. Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student can apply for full acceptance to the MS Kinesiology graduate program as a Classified Graduate Student. Failure to satisfactorily complete all requirements in the specified timeframe will result in dismissal from the MS Kinesiology graduate program. Note: Conditionally Classified Graduate Students may not enroll in more than 10 semester units of coursework for graduate credit prior to advancing to Classified Graduate Student status.

Classified Graduate Student

Classified Graduate Student status indicates that the minimum admissions requirements for the Master of Science in Kinesiology have been satisfied and that space has been made available in the MS Kinesiology graduate program.  Specific minimum admission requirements for Classified Graduate Student status are listed below:

  1. Kinesiology major/minor or equivalent courses from Kinesiology are required prerequisites for the graduate program.
  2. An applicant who does not have a major or minor in Kinesiology must take three undergraduate courses from the areas of biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control/learning, applied kinesiology, or functional anatomy and one course from the areas of sport psychology or exercise psychology.
  3. Completion of prerequisite coursework.
  4. Applicants must have completed a college/university level course with a grade of C or better in the following 3 content areas:
    1.  Human Anatomy (BIOL 2210 Human Anatomy)
    2. Human Physiology (BIOL 2220 Human Physiology )
    3. Introductory Statistics (KINE 2018 Introduction to Statistics for Health Sciences, MATH 2200 Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods, PSYC 2018 Introduction to Statistical Methods in Psychological Research or SOC 2208 Introduction to Statistics in the Social Sciences)
    4. Bachelor's Degree from an accredited four-year college or university
    5. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the last 60 units of all coursework
    6. A Plan of Study approved by the Graduate Program Director

Advancement to Candidate Status

Candidate status indicates that the student has completed at least 18-semester units within the approved Plan of Study and that there is a reasonable expectation that the student will complete all remaining degree requirements within one year. Classified Graduate Students will be advanced to Candidate status when they have met the following criteria:

  1. Completion of all requirements for Classified Graduate Student status.
  2. Completion of at least 15 units toward the Master of Science in Kinesiology degree with a graduate GPA of at least 3.0.
  3. Completion of the Capstone Committee Membership Record Form and approved by the Program Director and the faculty advisor and capstone committee.

Graduate Advisor, Plan of Study and Time Limit

The Graduate Program Coordinator will serve as the advisor. Upon admission the student should arrange an appointment to develop a program plan of study.  All requirements for the degree must be completed within seven calendar years after admission to the MS Kinesiology graduate program.  The seven-year limit may be extended by an approved petition to the Kinesiology Graduate Committee.

Capstone Options for Degree

Students must complete one of two capstone options for the degree:

  1. Project: KINE 6800 Culminating Experience: A project is a significant undertaking appropriate to the fine and applied arts or to professional fields. It evidences originality and independent thinking, appropriate form and organization, and a rationale. It is described and summarized in a written abstract that includes the project's significance, objectives, methodology and a conclusion or recommendation. The project option allows students to research and refine a problem proposed or approved by the organization; develop an explicit working agreement governing the scope and deliverables of the project; collect data and/or conduct analyses relevant to the project. The project option requires a final report or manuscript and oral defense. Projects may or may not be submitted to the CSUB Library, depending upon program requirements. Students should consult with their program’s Graduate Program Director for project requirements.
  2. Thesis: KINE 6810 Kinesiology Thesis: The thesis option consists of an original laboratory or community-based investigation that systematically studies a problem. The finished document requires independent thinking, appropriate organization and format and thorough documentation.  An oral defense is required.

Students must complete KINE 6010 Research Methods in Kinesiology prior to enrolling in KINE 6800 Culminating Experience or KINE 6810 Kinesiology Thesis.

Note: KINE 6170 Kinesiology Practicum/Field Experience and KINE 6180 Kinesiology Research can be taken concurrently with KINE 6800 Culminating Experience and KINE 6810 Kinesiology Thesis if approved by the Program Coordinator, concurrent scheduling aligns with the program plan of study and student has an approved petition for advancement to candidacy.

Academic Performance Requirement

All graduate students must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better in all courses taken to satisfy the requirements for the degree as specified in the student’s plan of study.

Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement

All graduate students must satisfy the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) as soon as possible in their graduate study, unless they have already done so. Please refer to the Division of Graduate Programs in the catalog for further details.