Credential Programs in Education

Disclaimer: Due to ongoing and substantial changes in credential legislation and degree programs in the State of California, please check with an official School of Social Sciences and Education advisor for current information.

Shape the Future

If you are considering a career in teaching, student counseling, or educational administration, you will find that it is a profession like no other.  Students who pursue a credential in education will experience the joy of making a difference in the lives of students on a daily basis.  You get to share in the wonder and excitement as you help children learn about themselves and discover the world around them. You will also become a life-long learner, digging deeper into your subject matter and incorporating new ideas in your own classroom.  Every day will be different, holding a unique set of challenges and rewards.

Credentials Office - Main Page

Department of Teacher Education

Multiple Subjects Credential 

This program prepares candidates to teach multiple subjects in a self-contained classroom (grades K-6).

Single Subject Credential 

This program prepares candidates to teach in a specific subject matter area (e.g., Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, World Languages, etc.) at the junior high and high school levels.

Department of Advanced Educational Studies

Special Education Credential  

This program prepares future special education teachers who can work effectively with students with Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) and/or Extensive Support Needs (ESN).

Educational Counseling Credential 

This program is designed for preparation toward a Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential issued by the state of California, offering candidates an emphasis in either School Counseling to provide students counseling services in P-12 educational settings or an emphasis in Student Affairs to provide professional counseling services in higher education settings such as community college or university settings.

Educational Administration Credential  

This program prepares educational leaders and future administrators to promote PK-12 student growth and equitable educational opportunities for all students by offering candidates a two-semester Credentialing program culminating in qualification for the California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC).